An Important Update

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Dear GracePointe Family,

It is no secret that our way of life is swiftly but temporarily changing due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Leadership Council and Staff have been working furiously over the past 48 hours to create a proactive plan to minimize our community’s exposure to the pandemic, much like we have seen our local and state governments do with respect to school closures, sports cancellations, and limitations on group gatherings. Your safety, health and well-being are our utmost priority.

Our community is not about buildings or houses we gather in–rather, it is about loving on each other and walking together, no matter what the venue or forum. In the interest of our community’s health, we have decided to temporarily suspend in-person gatherings for the rest of March.  Starting this Sunday at 10:45am, we will be offering a live-stream service in lieu of in-person services, which will be exactly like you experience when you attend at Clementine, but from the comfort of your home. Believe us when we say that we would much rather see each other in person, hug and love on one another, and share laughs together. But these are unique times that call for drastic measures to protect the community. We will look forward, with even more hope, for our April gatherings, which will include three services on Easter Sunday.

Finally, for the same reasons, we are temporarily suspending all of GracePointe’s community activities through the end of this month. We hope to gather with you again in person come April, whether it is at Re:Construct, Care Groups, Young Adult Meet Up, Books & Brews, or any one of our many other community gatherings.

Please stay safe and healthy. For the most up-to-date information on the coronavirus, please visit Stay tuned to GracePointe social media pages for further updates on gatherings. We love you all dearly and look forward to sharing our Sunday morning services with you online.

In peace and gratitude,

The GracePointe Staff and Leadership Council