Coming Up…



New to GracePointe?

Fill out our Connection Card.

Re:Imagine Sundays and Wednesdays

We offer two weekly options for a Reimagine discussion, Sundays at 9am CT and Wednesdays at 7pm CT on Zoom. These conversations are shaped by you, and they are designed to help us process our questions, doubts, and curiosities. For more info click here.


Salt and Pepper is a social group for people 50+. If you have yet to find a social group that's best for you, we're hoping to form a group of older/more mature individuals to meet outside of church. However, everyone is welcome. Meeting dates and times are determined by the group. Our next gathering is a Spring Potluck Picnic at 11:30am, Saturday, May 3rd. Please RSVP by April 30th with your dish to share at

Paper products will be provided. Everyone should bring their own individual beverage such as a water bottle, can of soda, or reusable bottle with beverage of choice. Alcohol is prohibited at Shelby Park.

See for a map of shelters at Shelby Park.


If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community and looking for a Queer and Trans-centered spiritual space, we invite you to join us for our LGBTQ+ Community Meetup. Sign up here.

Young Adult Meetup | FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAYS at 6:30PM

This social group for 20 & 30 somethings meets on the first and third Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30PM. Visit our Young Adult Meetup page for more info. Our next meeting is at The Wedge (2020 Lindell Ave.) on March 20th.


Common Ground is a social group for the post-YAM crowd in the next stage of their adult life. Visit the Common Ground page for up-to-date additional monthly activities!

GP Kids and student registration

Parents, we need your help with our database cleanup! Please fill out this Registration Form for each child/student that participates in GP Kids or Students.

GP COLLEGE | Second and fourth sunday

This group is for late teens/early twenties/college-aged people who want to meet others and talk about faith. For more information, visit the GP College page or sign up here!


We are always looking for help with GP Kids and/or Hospitality. Fill out the Hospitality Volunteer Form, the GP Kids Volunteer form, or the Band Volunteer Form to get involved!

Pastoral Care

If you are in need of Pastoral Care please let us know by emailing Josh at