Posts in Sermons
Meeting Paul Again: Philippians

This Sunday we continued our “Meeting Paul Again” series, this time in the letter known as Philippians. This letter contains some of Paul’s “Greatest Hits,” passages that have permeated Christian—and even cultural in some cases—consciousness. What do these passages mean in the context of Paul’s work and the rest of the letter? Join us as we explore “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” and so much more!

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Meeting Paul Again: Philemon

This weekend we jumped back into our “Meeting Paul Again” series by discussing the letter to Philemon. This is the shortest of Paul’s authentic letters, but it gives us a fascinating look at how he understood the practical implications of following Jesus.

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Stan Mitchell : John 9

This weekend we were fortunate to hear from GracePointe’s founding pastor, Stan Mitchell. In this powerful message, Stan takes us into the story of Jesus’s healing of a man who was born blind in John 9. You don’t want to miss this one!

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Meeting Paul Again: 2 Corinthians

Our “Meeting Paul Again” series is exploring the story and teachings of the historical Paul, in his own words. This week we continued the journey through his authentic letters by turning our focus to 2 Corinthians. This letter is likely a combination of three or four smaller letters and gives us a further glimpse into the conflict between Paul and the Corinthians. Two key areas of focus in this sermon were Paul’s line in chapter five about “walking by faith and not by sight,” a statement that has been used to manipulate and shame people with questions and doubts, and we will explore what Paul means by “New Creation.”

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Meeting Paul Again: 1 Corinthians

This weekend we continued in our “Meeting Paul Again” series by turning our focus to 1 Corinthians. What becomes abundantly clear very quickly is that this community of Jesus followers were experiencing relational fractures that threatened their share life and mission. What is Paul’s challenge to this community? How does it still speak to us, today? Find out more in this sermon!

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Meeting Paul Again: Galatians

This weekend we continued our new series, “Meeting Paul Again,” with an emphasis on the letter of Galatians. Paul wrote to this collective of churches in the midst of personal and professional crisis: His credibility, and the credibility of his message, were at stake. How did Paul respond? What are some of the “greatest hits,” well-known passages, found in the letter? Does Paul really pit the Jesus movement against Judaism, as some interpret the letter? What we learn will definitely be a surprise!

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Meeting Paul Again: 1 Thessalonians

This weekend we continued our new series, “Meeting Paul Again,” by turning our attention to the first of his genuine letters: 1 Thessalonians. How does the context of the community that received this letter from Paul shape the meaning of the letter? What about the passage in 1 Thessalonians 4 about followers of Jesus “meeting him in the air”? Is there any connection between the world the Thessalonians knew and ours? The sermon begins at the 42:00 mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Meeting Paul Again: Paul of History, Apostle of Faith

Our first series of 2025 focuses on Paul and what his seven genuine letters teach us about both the person and the movement that inspired or played a role in almost 60% of the New Testament writings. In this introductory talk, Josh describes what Paul wrote, shares a bit of his biography, and offers some reasons why talking about Paul still matters and can still be meaningful today. The sermon begins at the 48:30 minute mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
An Inaugural Address

An Inaugural Address is a speech that reveals values, priorities, and sets the stage for the future. In this message Josh invites us to think about what Jesus’s inaugural message was, and how that shapes our priorities and values as a community. The sermon begins at the 24:50 minute mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church