Posts in Sermons
Meeting Paul Again: Galatians

This weekend we continued our new series, “Meeting Paul Again,” with an emphasis on the letter of Galatians. Paul wrote to this collective of churches in the midst of personal and professional crisis: His credibility, and the credibility of his message, were at stake. How did Paul respond? What are some of the “greatest hits,” well-known passages, found in the letter? Does Paul really pit the Jesus movement against Judaism, as some interpret the letter? What we learn will definitely be a surprise!

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Meeting Paul Again: 1 Thessalonians

This weekend we continued our new series, “Meeting Paul Again,” by turning our attention to the first of his genuine letters: 1 Thessalonians. How does the context of the community that received this letter from Paul shape the meaning of the letter? What about the passage in 1 Thessalonians 4 about followers of Jesus “meeting him in the air”? Is there any connection between the world the Thessalonians knew and ours? The sermon begins at the 42:00 mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Meeting Paul Again: Paul of History, Apostle of Faith

Our first series of 2025 focuses on Paul and what his seven genuine letters teach us about both the person and the movement that inspired or played a role in almost 60% of the New Testament writings. In this introductory talk, Josh describes what Paul wrote, shares a bit of his biography, and offers some reasons why talking about Paul still matters and can still be meaningful today. The sermon begins at the 48:30 minute mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
An Inaugural Address

An Inaugural Address is a speech that reveals values, priorities, and sets the stage for the future. In this message Josh invites us to think about what Jesus’s inaugural message was, and how that shapes our priorities and values as a community. The sermon begins at the 24:50 minute mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Celebrating a Decade of Lessons and Grace

This Sunday we had such a meaningful gathering featuring an important conversation between Lead Pastor Josh Scott and Founding Pastor Stan Mitchell. Josh and Stan reflected on GracePointe's 10th anniversary of becoming a fully affirming and inclusive community. This is both a walk down memory lane and a time of thinking about our future. You definitely don't want to miss this! Begin at the 8:55 minute mark. First you’ll hear the original announcement from Pastor Stan in 2015, then the conversation between Josh and Stan.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Sharpies & Pencils: Taking Inventory

Happy New Year, GP! Over the next four weekends we will take a few moments to reflect on our journeys, both as individuals and also as a community. We’ll focus on where we’ve been, where we are, and look ahead to where we might be going. We will begin this week by reflecting on how our personal journeys have shaped our faith. Join us as we talk about “Sharpies and Pencils”! 

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Second Natïvité: Love

For our final Sunday of Advent we focused on the idea of “Incarnation.” In Christian theology, Christmas is about God incarnating - becoming human - in the story of Jesus. Is that an isolated incident or an invitation? The message begins at the 43:20 mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church
Second Natïvité: Joy

Last Sunday at GracePointe we continued our journey through Advent. Our focus this week was on the meaning and gift of joy. By engaging the story of the shepherds, who were the first to be told the good news of great joy about the birth of Jesus, we asked what they might teach us about the meaning of joy. The sermon begins at 45:30 minute mark.

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SermonsGracePointe Church