A Climate of Joy | Week 2 | Contagious Series
Joy is deeply connected to hope, and hope-fueled joy is contagious.
In the wake of yet another shooting in a place of worship, Josh reminds of the ways our faith can help us sustain and spread a climate of joy in otherwise tumultuous and difficult times. This is the second installment of our series, "Contagious".
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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From "I" to "We" | Week 1 | Contagious Series
This Easter we had extra cause for celebration as we welcomed our new Lead Pastor Joshua Scott and family for their first official week with Gracepointe! The overflow crowd reflected the message, in which Josh noted how Jesus - in a culture obsessed with the distinction between "clean" and "unclean" - constantly found his way to the marginalized, erasing boundaries and spreading a welcoming and "contagious" love among those who came to follow his way of living.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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Dancing in the Dark | Dr. Jeff Clark
Our own Dr. Jeff Clark offers a Progressive reading of Jesus' "triumphant" entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and how it might inform our posture toward life in times of darkness or difficulty.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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Judge Not So That You Are Not Judged | Stan Mitchell
"Judge not so that you are not judged."
Jesus was making a profound statement, but for many of us, a flawed interpretation of it has long defined its meaning in our minds. GracePointe's Founding Pastor Stan Mitchell dives into what is a beautiful reference to Divine love and mercy.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more information!
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Sara Cunningham and Liz Dyer | March 31st, 2019
Sara Cunningham of Free Mom Hugs and Liz Dyer of the Serendipitydodah Facebook Group for Moms (also called Mama Bears) join us for an unforgettable and moving experience at GracePointe. Sara was a conservative Southern Baptist whose life and views radically changed after her son came out, a familiar story for many parents around the world with LGBTQ+ children.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more information!
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Stan Mitchell in Conversation with Josh Scott | March 24th, 2019
Founding Pastor Stan Mitchell holds a dialogue with GracePointe's incoming Pastor Josh Scott. They talk about Josh's story, GracePointe's story, and look to the future when Josh steps into his role on Sunday, April 21st.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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The Temptation Behind the Temptation | Josh Scott
Pastor Josh Scott dives into the ways our beliefs about God inform our beliefs about ourselves. In the same way the Father called Jesus the "Son in Whom I am well pleased" we are beloved children in whom God delights.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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A Radiance That Never Dims | Ray Waters
A religion that focusses on believing right dogma above all else ultimately loses its radiance. The shine comes when following Jesus becomes a way of life. Pastor Ray Waters of The Village in Hapeville, Georgia, joins us for a moving message on a radiant faith.
If you're interested in joining us, we gather every Sunday at 10:30AM at 4710 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville. We also have a podcast on your platform of choice! Follow @gracepointetn on every social media platform for regular updates and Progressive Christian content, and text "GracePointe" to 77977 to donate if you are so inclined. Visit gracepointe.net for more!
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