Let Go, Let God | GracePointe Church

“Let go and let God” sounds really spiritual. It takes a lot of faith to just put everything in God’s hands, right? Or does it? Could it be that this cliché actually does the opposite of what it’s intended to do? Join us this Sunday as we look at this “Unhelpful” saying and explore an alternative.

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Don't Be Sad | GracePointe Church

This week we continue our “Unhelpful” series by looking at the relationship between the Christian tradition and grief. Some expressions of Christian belief, intentionally or unintentionally, try to find a short cut around the grieving process. Many of us have been led to believe that experiencing grief expresses a lack of faith or trust, but is that true? Join us Sunday as we explore a more helpful approach to grief and Christian faith.

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God Told Me | GracePointe Church

“God told me.” Talk about a conversation stopper! Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a “God told me”? What’s really going on there? Why do people say this? Is there a better way to share our beliefs, even convictions? Join us this Sunday as we explore an alternative to this “Unhelpful” phrase.

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Unhelpful | GracePointe Church

It’s Easter at GracePointe! Join us this Sunday as we celebrate and begin a brand new series called, “Unhelpful.” Have you ever been going through something difficult, and then someone comes along and says something to you that, while they might mean well, is just unhelpful? We all probably have. We’ll begin this week with a common one: “It was all part of God’s plan.” Was it? Join us as we explore this together!

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Ought Not She Be Set Free? | GracePointe Church

This Sunday we are taking a pause in our "What About?" series and looking at the story of Jesus healing a woman on the sabbath in Luke 13:10-17. Hunter Wade, our Pastoral Intern, will be preaching as we explore the imagery in this story of being bound up and set free and what that might have to do with the sabbath and Satan according to Jesus in this passage.

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